Our industry has played a vital part in the supply chains that produce many of the critical goods Canadians have needed to keep safe during COVID-19. Masks and gowns for the health care sector, packaging for food and pharmaceuticals, and hygiene products like tissue and toilet paper. The pandemic has shone a light on the importance of forest products from Canada and we take our role as both environmental stewards and an essential industry seriously, responsibly harnessing the power of this renewable resource to keep our supply chains moving and providing essential products to Canadians.
And we’re ready to do more.
Canada’s forest products sector is in a unique position to drive Canada’s post-pandemic economic recovery while providing solutions to build an even more sustainable and lower-carbon economy:
In the federal government’s report from the Economic Strategy Table, “Resources of the Future,” Canada’s forest products sector is singled out for its long-standing efforts to modernize its operations, renew its brand/marketing programs, develop breakthrough products, develop successful indigenous partnerships and ensure the sustainability of Canada’s forests and its rural and northern communities. The report specifically recognizes the contribution of Canada’s forest products sector as a job creator, a partner in addressing climate change, and a leading innovator in clean technology.