Stay up-to-date on the latest news and information on how Canada's forest products sector is building resiliency, adapting to meet the changing environmental and economic needs of our country, and working to keep our forests as forests forever.
FPAC Concerned With Lack of Movement on Investment Tax Credits
Forestry For The Future and Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group (OSEG) Team Up to Kick Off a Game-Changing Partnership for Sustainable Canadian Forestry
Forestry For The Future and Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group (OSEG) Team Up to Kick Off a Game-Changing Partnership for Sustainable Canadian Forestry
Forest Products Association of Canada President and CEO Derek Nighbor Elected ICFPA President
The International Council of Forest and Paper Associations has announced that Derek Nighbor, President and CEO of Forest Products Association of Canada has been elected its new President.
Ministers Agree To Work Together to Promote Canadian Forestry
At annual meeting the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers commit to promoting Canadian forest products and leadership in sustainable forest management
Canada's Forest Products Industry Applauds "Toronto Tomorrow" And The Plan Build A Timber Neighbourhood
FPAC applauds "Toronto Tomorrow" proposal that prominently features the use of wood from CanadaÕs sustainably managed forests as a cornerstone of its project.
Canada's Forest Sector Pays Tribute to a Global Forest Industry Champion
FPAC honours Sylvain Lhôte, Director General of CEPI who helped advance innovation and opportunities for forest sector companies and workers around the globe
Canada's Forest Products Sector Responds To Launch Of FSC's New Certification Standard
Canada's forest products sector welcomes new certification standards by the Forest Stewardship Council to continue as a world leader in sustainable forest management
Canada's First National Bioeconomy Strategy, "Canada's Bioeconomy Strategy: Leveraging Our Strengths For A Sustainable Future"
Canada's bioeconomy strategy recommendations include access to biomass, global leadership in forestry, sustainable resource management, and a skilled workforce