As National Forest Week is celebrated across the country, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is seizing the opportunity to announce the recipients of its annual Awards of Excellence program. Today, FPAC announced that Ntityix Resources LP of West Kelowna, BC is being honoured with the Indigenous Business Leadership Award.
The Indigenous Business Leadership Award, presented by FPAC in partnership with Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), celebrates Indigenous entrepreneurs in the forest products sector who exemplify business leadership through exceptional environmental and safety performance and the delivery of high-quality products and services. The recipient must also demonstrate a long-term commitment to the Indigenous community, particularly in supporting Indigenous employment.
“The forest products sector works in partnership with over 1,400 Indigenous-owned businesses, each of which are critical partners in advancing forest health and economic prosperity in our forestry communities,” said FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor. “The Indigenous Business Leadership Award provides FPAC and CCAB with the opportunity to highlight the great work being done in these communities and showcase how Indigenous business leaders like Ntityix Resources LP are driving environmental, economic, and social opportunities across the country,” he added.
Since 2013, Dave Gill (RPF) has had the honour of being General Manager of Forestry with Ntityix Resources LP – a West Kelowna First Nation-held natural resource company located in the heart of Syilx territory in the central Okanagan valley. He and his team coordinate the planning, operations, silviculture, and community and local stakeholder engagement on Westbank First Nation’s (WFN) forest tenures. Since graduating from forestry at UBC, Dave has worked for industry, his own consultancy, government, and First Nations in locations such as Haida Gwaii, Vancouver Island and various locations in the interior of British Columbia. Today, Dave’s primary interest is advancing ways to incorporate Indigenous and community values into all aspects of forest stewardship on WFN-held tenures and to continue earning the support of, and developing opportunities for, the WFN Community.
“I can’t tell you just how exciting it is to be working with Indigenous communities in forestry today. After more than 30 years in the industry, the last 9 with WFN have been the most rewarding and challenging years of my career,” said Gill. To see Indigenous communities to begin re-taking control of their lands, making decisions that reflect their values, and forging partnerships with our industry neighbours warms my heart and shows how we can move our industry forward in a more sustainable and inclusive way. For Ntityix to win this award reflects the values of our community, our company, and the hard work of our staff and the will of our partners to make a difference”.
To learn more about FPAC’s Awards of Excellence recipients, please visit:
About Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB)
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is committed to the full participation of Indigenous peoples in Canada’s economy. A national, non-partisan association, with a mission to promote, strengthen and enhance a prosperous Indigenous economy through the fostering of business relationships, opportunities, and awareness. CCAB offers knowledge, resources, and programs to its members to foster economic opportunities for Indigenous peoples and businesses across Canada. For more information visit
About Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. As an Industry with annual revenues exceeding $75B, Canada’s forest products sector is one of the country’s largest employers operating in over 600 communities, providing 225,000 direct jobs, and over 600,000 indirect jobs across the country.