Hello everyone,
For this blog today I want to talk about why I love my summer job. If any of you have read any of my previous blogs, you would know that I work for Alberta Newsprint Company (ANC). I have worked for ANC for the past three summers and I absolutely love working there. One of the reasons is that for the past two summers I have had the opportunity to work in the accounting department within the mill, which is extremely lucky. ANC is a fantastic environment with a big family/team feel, which is another reason I truly appreciate them, one of my biggest fears about joining the workforce was being treated like nothing more than a number, thank goodness for ANC. Lets move more into why I love my actual job rather than just the company, as an accountant within ANC it is my job to do my part to ensure that the business flow of ANC stays as smooth as possible, while at the same time analyze the performance of certain departments and relay findings to my managers. The investigating is one of my favourite parts, you get to find the problem that is often times hiding, and have a meeting with the mangers explaining all your findings. A greats thing about accounting is getting to see all the behind the scenes of a company, for example through the accounting department I was able to work a little bit within the Timber department, and I learnt that the harvesting of a block is way more complicated than some may realize. There is a massive amount of planning, research, funding all to ensure that things are done properly, and this doesn’t stop at the cutting of trees, the plans go about 15 years after the harvest. That means that a single block of trees is monitored and studied as well as has more work put back into it for 15 years after a cut to guarantee that we leave things better than we find them. I enjoy working for a business that cares about how it does things and gives back to the community, ANC not only is one of the major employers within Whitecourt but is gives back to the community through sponsorships, I noticed this year they have sponsored nine holes at the Whitecourt Golf and Country Club. Which leads me to one of my final points on why I love ANC, I really enjoy living in a smaller town in Alberta, it allows me to do lots of the activities I enjoy. Whitecourt is within ten minutes of a lake, and we are surrounded by forest, meaning I have the freedom to live my life to the fullest throughout my summer job. I am proud to say I work at ANC and am grateful for the opportunities that I have because of them, without them I most likely wouldn’t have the opportunity to talk about the forestry industry and be a helping hand to change the world into something we should all want to see. If you enjoy being apart of an organization that cares about you, as well as your community, and love living your life after work in a wicked environment, if you said yes to any of those then I would recommend Alberta Newsprint Company for the perfect job.