Earlier today, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) announced the recipients of its annual Awards of Excellence which includes Deputy Grand Council Chief Edward Wawia as a 2020 Forest Community Champion.
FPAC presents its Awards of Excellence to recognize leadership in the sector and to honour the achievements of our workers and community partners. The Forest Community Champion award is presented to a leader who demonstrates support for the forestry sector and its contributions to Canada’s environmental and economic priorities.
“Deputy Grand Council Chief Wawia has long been a champion of sustainable forest management and forestry workers in Northwestern Ontario. While he has been celebrated in Ontario for his many efforts to advance collaboration and improve job prospects for families in his community, this is the first time he is receiving national recognition – and it’s long overdue,” said FPAC President and CEO, Derek Nighbor.
After a 40 year career in mining, Chief Wawia currently represents the Northern Superior Region of the Anishinabek Nation. When reached for comment, he stated: “Ontario has the best managed forests in the world. I encourage our First Nations youth to get involved, whether as professional foresters, biologists, conservation officers, or in forest operations. We need to do our part to ensure sustainability as we continue to live in harmony with our forests.”
For further details about FPAC’s Awards of Excellence recipients, including photos and videos, please visit: www.forestryforthefuture.ca
FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. The $73.6-billion-a-year forest products industry represents 12 per cent of Canada’s manufacturing GDP and is one of Canada’s largest employers operating in over 600 communities, providing 230,000 direct jobs, and over 600,000 indirect jobs across the country.
For more information contact:
Kerry Patterson-Baker
Vice President, Communications
e : kpatterson-baker@fpac.ca
t : 613-563-1441 ext. 314
Follow us on Twitter: @FPAC_APFC